If your target audience is mothers aged between 19 and 35 then the findings of a recent study may be of interest. Weber Shandwick in partnership with KRC research has identified this segment, labelled “Millennial Mums” in their study called “Digital Women Influencers”, with the purpose of assisting marketers and communicators in identifying opportunities to engage with them.
Highlights revealed by the study:
Millennial Mums are highly connected
- They have on average 3.4 social media accounts in comparison to the 2.6 of general mums, and spend approximately four more hours per week on social networks than general mums.
Millennial Mums are highly influential
- These mums are decision-influences. They are more likely to provide opinions and recommendations and consider themselves to be key advisors within their social connections. 74% said they were sought out more often than other friends for their opinion on a variety of topics. Furthermore the study indicates that their opinions are potentially “far reaching” as these mums have on average 24 close friends compared with the average of 22 for general mums.
Millennial Mums share more info about products & services
- Millennial Mums are more than likely than the average mum to spread information about several categories. They found that 90% of Millennial Mums share information about apparel, retail stores and groceries/ food and beverages.
Millennial Mums are often a misjudged market
- In comparison to the average mother, Millennial Mums feel more overlooked by advertisers, with 42% believing “most advertising and marketing is not geared towards women like me” compared to 36% of general mums.
In summary, the study’s findings emphasise how brands benefit when successfully engaging with Millennial Mums who have the potential to be brand advocates and conduct viral promotions.
“Our data demonstrates how their connectedness makes them highly influential and sought after advisors and so adept at finding and sharing information” the study states.
A copy of the study is available here